
The standard delivery time is 1-3 working days, unless otherwise specified for a specific item.

We deliver goods by courier or Omniva parcels all over Latvia. More information about shipping costs and places of delivery is given below.

More about goods delivery

Delivery of goods to Omniva terminal

If you choose  Omniva terminal delivery, they will be delivered within 1-3 workdays, if no other delivery time is specified for selected items.


Delivery of your order to Omniva pakomat is possible only if,  the item doesn't exceed the specified shipping dimensions (39x38x64) and weight (up to 30kg).

Delivery to Omniva terminal costs Omniva - 3,15 €.

Free Omniva delivery for orders over 500 euros.

Courier Delivery

If you choose courier delivery, we will deliver your order within 1-3 workdays if not specified other delivery time for the chosen item(s). The courier will contact you on the day of delivery to verify the delivery time.

Courier delivery service fee is - 8,47 €.

Free Courier delivery for orders over 500 euros.

Delivery at our office

Delivery of the goods to our office costs 8,47 €. Opening hours and coordinates can be found HERE.

If you have chosen to receive the item(s) in our office, the item(s) will be delivered there within 1-3 workdays, unless another delivery time is specified for the selected item(s). We will notify you by email or SMS.

You will need to bring your identification document and order number to pick up your order. If another person will receive your order, specify him/her as the recipient when placing the order. And if the buyer is a legal entity, then the power of attorney must be present.

If you have not found the answers to your questions, please contact us by writing to:​​​​​​​

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